Help me stay up to date - submit a book or review please use contact page. The books are not in any order in terms of rating or preference, Stokers propeller rating;
"Overall, it's a great way of dealing with safety and teaching children in a memorable way." Scholar Magazine Summer Reviews. "A great idea because as well as being a cracking
read for the 3-7 age group, they also incorporate a message about safety
in the home, or out and about." " Just the kind of holiday reading to entertain - and, most important, to teach the youngsters in your care a lasting lesson." Education Journal.
4Site SAFETY EDUCATION POSTERS Posters raise awareness in a quick and cost-effective
way. Over time, posters can lose some of their impact but they can
always be updated or changed regularly. In general most safety posters
are dull, boring and have no imagination and if you have ever seen the
ones from the British Safety Council you will know what I mean. Other
sources of posters mainly come from overseas and do not adapt well in
the UK and vice versa.
Principles of Construction Safety Allan St John Holt, BA, FIOSH, RSP, Head of Safety, Royal Mail Group
Changes in law and best practice in construction safety make it difficult for the construction professional to keep up with current thinking and requirements. Covering occupational health issues and the environmental impact of construction as well as mainstream 'safety', this book is a unique resource for those who construct, or procure the construction of projects of all sizes and in all countries. "Its a good book and I use it a lot" (HSfB forum member) Blackwell publishing ALLAN ST. JOHN HOLT, (Chairman) is one of Britain's best–known safety experts. He has lectured widely in the USA, Far East and Australia as well as at home on health and safety matters. Twice President and past Hon. Treasurer of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH), and a Fellow of the Institution, he is a Registered Safety Practitioner. A social studies graduate and magistrate, Allan is the author of numerous articles published in professional publications, and author of "Principles of Health and Safety at Work" (now in its 6th edition with sales over 180,000) and "Principles of Construction Safety". He founded the National Examinations Board in Occupational Safety and Health in 1979. He is also a Director of Veterans of Safety International and in 1997 was inducted into the Safety and Health Hall of Fame International. In October 2000 Allan was presented with the Distinguished Service to Safety Award of the US National Safety Council. The Handbook of Health and Safety Practice Jeremy W. Stranks
The sixth edition of this title has been fully updated in line with legislation and contemporary thinking in the field of health and safety practice. It incorporates both legal and practical concerns and is allied closely to the syllabi of the NEBOSH, IOSH and CIEH examinations.
Safety at Work John Ridley (Editor), John Channing (Editor)
Safety at Work is widely accepted as the authoritative guide to safety and health in the workplace and covers all aspects of safety management. The sixth edition has been revised to cover recent changes to UK practice and standards in health, safety, employment and environmental legislation. It also incorporates EU directives and references to harmonised and international standards. Reflecting the importance of the roles of directors and managers in health and safety, new chapters cover the management of risk, emphasising the need for a sound organisational structure to achieve effective risk management. Developments in the behavioural approach to risk management and current thinking on the development of an international standard on safety management are also covered. Quality of the environment is rapidly becoming part of the safety manager's responsibilities both in the workplace and in the context of global pollution. A completely new part consisting of five chapters has been added dealing solely with environmental issues (including ISO 14001). The increasingly important role of ergonomics in health and safety is reflected in a new chapter on Applied Ergonomics, dealing with the subject pragmatically, that will allow the manager and practitioner to design process and operations that are within the limits of the human body. The effects of stress, an emerging concern in health and safety, are covered in various chapters.
"WOW! This book is enormous in every way. Packed full of up-to-date
(sixth edition) information. I have heard it called the safety
practitioners bible. I tend to agree so far. Well worth the money if
you are serious about health and safety. The only thing it lacks is
a trolley to carry it around”. Principles of Health and Safety at Work, Allan St John Holt
This book gets better and better, written by an experienced safety practitioner who puts a value to health and safety. Ideal for the NEBOSH student and working practitioner.
Health and Safety Training Toolkit, GEE
At £220 this book was very disappointing, and contains nothing for the experienced teacher and has very little to offer new or student trainers and instructors. The supplied CD made the product more versatile and could have improved the product if the power point presentations were done to a professional standard. The latest edition may well have improved.
Health and Safety Training Resource, Croner
A training resource which is ideal for the safety pro who does a spot of training and those new presenting health and safety. Lots of tips, but falls short on teaching techniques. Not for the experienced teacher or trainer and the price of £386 for the current version with CD and presentations would be better spent on City and Guilds teaching qualification. The latest edition may well have improved.
Construction Site Safety, CITB GE700 2002 Edition
A very useful book for anyone who is in construction or has to deal with the construction industry. Most of the guidance is in line with the HSE's however the book tends to reflect the antiquated views of the CITB and the construction industry in parts. Can be updated by subscription and a good resource for students of the NEBOSH construction certificate The latest edition may well have improved. Workplace Bullying: What Do We Know, Who Is to Blame and What Can We Do? Charlotte Rayner, Helge Hoel and Cary Cooper.
Workplace bullying is an area that has attracted significant press attention throughout the last decade. A variety of well publicized surveys have revealed that this is an issue endemic in working life in Britain; and, at a conservative estimate, over half the working population can expect to experience bullying at work (either directly by being bullied, or through witnessing it) at some stage in their careers. This is now seen to be a disturbing event, with something like a fifth of witnesses and a quarter of direct targets leaving their organizations.This serious damage to individuals has been accorded little direct research in Britain, although it has resulted in court cases brought under health and safety and equal opportunities legislation. The recognition of the problem and the emergence of court cases, have both served to focus employers on the need to deal with the issue. The recent strike vote at Ford in Dagenham, asking the employer to enforce existing anti-harassment policies, highlights the fact that having paper policies is not enough. Workplace Bullying is derived from the largest survey ever carried out on workplace bullying, supported by the CBI, TUC, Federation of Small Businesses, IPD, and the HSE among others. This study covered 5,500 people, but the book goes beyond it to explore all the issues associated with what is becoming a major issue in organizations. "I found this book excellent and informative for enabling me to understand the core issues surrounding workplace bullying and the effects and costs it has on society as a whole. I have referenced it frequently during my Diploma studies and would highly recommend this to managers and workers alike. Very reasonably priced.”