Safety Tips for the Post-Nuclear Existence
1. Never use an elevator in a building that has been hit by a
nuclear bomb; use the stairs.
2. When you're flying through the air, remember to roll when you hit
the ground.
3. If you're on fire, avoid gasoline and other flammable materials.
4. Don't attempt communication with dead people; it will only lead
to psychological problems.
5. Food will be scarce; you will have to scavenge. Learn to
recognize foods that will be available after the bomb: mashed
shredded wheat, tossed salad, ground beef, etc.
6. Put your hand over your mouth when you sneeze; internal organs
will be scarce in the post-nuclear age.
7. Try to be neat; fall only in designated piles.
8. Drive carefully in "Heavy Fallout" areas; people could be
staggering illegally.
9. Nutritionally, £50 pound notes are equal to £5's, but more
sanitary due to limited circulation.
10. Accumulate mannequins now; spare parts will be in short supply
on D-Day.