safety photo safety photo photos of hazards in the workplace safety photo

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Photos of hazard in the workplace


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This is an old building that is being renovated with a large area of the grounds being excavated for some reason. The fence around the site is very poorly maintained with large areas completely open, damaged or not there at all. The cheek of it all is the safety sign, not 10 feet away is a large section of the fence completely removed, leaving vandals and curious kids to enter at will.

The large tower (not a good pic, but couldn't get close enough without trespassing) is about 30 - 50 feet high, with tools on top and no enclosure at all, no toe boards, on castors in an area of rubble. Very poor.

The row of pressurised gas canisters are stored in this wooden building that is falling to bits.

The big blue oil drum was in fact full of oil, not any more. It is now in the middle of a public walkway obviously taken from the site through one of the large missing areas of the fence by kids and poured out. The area stinks of oil and is really messy.
Many thanks to a member of HSfB forum for this contribution. Picture 4, the sign did you notice date?