A full range of cost effective Safety, Health, Environment and Fire consultancy services to small and medium enterprises across the East Midlands safety photos A full range of cost effective Safety, Health, Environment and Fire consultancy services to small and medium enterprises across the East Midlands  






Belvoir Safety Services



Belvoir Safety Services is an independent H&S consultancy and training company based in the heart of the East Midlands, at the junction of three Shires, namely; Nottingham, Leicester and Lincoln.

The images here are from real life, the vast majority have nothing remotely to do with any clients; they are simply hazardous situations seen, recognised and preserved here for others to share in.

Fire Exit from a large Home, Leisure and Garden store. Look closely at the A4 White sign affixed to the Exit Door. What dangers lie behind???


A full range of cost effective Safety, Health, Environment and Fire consultancy services to small and medium enterprises across the East Midlands

East Coast Hospital Outpatient Clinic. This was reported to the Nurse in Charge

A full range of cost effective Safety, Health, Environment and Fire consultancy services to small and medium enterprises across the East Midlands

The yard at the side of a small supermarket. The store's only Fire Exit is from behind these trolleys. This was an ongoing situation over many months, which was only taken seriously after the store received a phone call from the Fire Service Safety Officer advising them of their responsibilities under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order. They now store their trolleys at the side of the store, unsecured, where they might get used by bored individuals late at night.




A full range of cost effective Safety, Health, Environment and Fire consultancy services to small and medium enterprises across the East Midlands

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A full range of cost effective Safety, Health, Environment and Fire consultancy services to small and medium enterprises across the East Midlands

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